
Here, we present the biological context of the Hemotum++ project.

1. Introduction

1.1. Problem description

1.2. Framework/scope

2. The zebrafish

2.1. General presentation:

2.1.1. Species distribution

2.1.2. Size

2.1.3. Reproduction

2.1.4. Fast development

2.2. Use in biology

2.2.1. Desirable characteristics

2.2.2. Model organism

2.3. Anatomy of the embryo

2.4. Vascular system of the embryo

2.4.1. DA

2.4.2. CV

2.4.3. ISVs

3. Blood

3.1. Short description

3.2. Blood vessels

3.2.1. Arteries and arterioles

3.2.2. Veins and venules

3.2.3. Capillaries

3.3. Red blood cells (RBC)

3.4. Zebrafish blood characteristics

4. Cancer

4.1. General presentation

4.2. Key aspects

4.3. Development > metastasis (metastatic cascade)