HiFiMagnet PostProcessing documentation

Welcome to HiFiMagnet processing documentation!

MSO4SC Portal user shall read EndUser guide before trying to use the Visualization Remote Desktop.

The Remote Desktop feature requires some specific settings.

Using ParaView

.1. On Remote desktop

In the Cesga remote desktop to get ParaView running:

  • open a terminal,

  • type: module load gcc/6.4.0 openmpi/2.1.1 paraview/5.4.0

  • run paraview

Using EnSight

.1. On Remote desktop

  • copy EnSight licence file on your account in the Visu resource in ${LICDIR} directory

  • pull EnSight HiFiMagnet image from Sregistry

export SREGISTRY_CLIENT=registry
export SREGISTRY_STORAGE=$LUSTRE/singularity_images
module load singularity
singularity run -B /mnt shub://sregistry.srv.cesga.es/mso4sc/sregistry --quiet pull hifimagnet/ensight:10.2.3c
  • run ensight102

module load singularity
singularity run --nv -B ${LICDIR}:/opt/licenses:ro --app ensight ${SREGISTRY_STORAGE}/ensight-10.2.3c.simg

Alternatively you can also use run_ensight.sh

A script to run EnSight smoothly

module load singularity

   echo ""
   echo "Description:"
   echo "               Run Ensight within Singularity image"
   echo ""
   echo "Usage:"
   echo "               script.sh [ <option> ] ... ]"
   echo ""
   echo "Options:"
   echo ""
   echo "-t             Activate Ensight Batch mode"
   echo "-s             Specify python script to be used (only valid when TUI is on)"
   echo "-a             Specifiy parameters of the python script (only valid in combination with -s, optional)"
   echo "-l             Specifiy directory holding license file"
   echo "-d             Activate debug mode"
   echo ""
   exit 1


## parse parameters
while getopts "hts:a:l:d" option ; do
   case $option in
       h ) usage ;;
       t ) TUI=1 ;;
       s ) SCRIPT=$OPTARG ;;
       a ) SCRIPT_ARGS=$OPTARG ;;
       l ) KEYDIR=$OPTARG ;;
       d ) DEBUG=1 ;;
       ? ) usage ;;
# shift to have the good number of other args
shift $((OPTIND - 1))

# Optionally set VERSION and others if none is defined.
: ${TUI=0}
: ${SCRIPT=""}
: ${KEYDIR=$STORE/Ensight}

if [ ! -z ${SREGISTRY_STORAGE} ]; then
    echo "SREGISTRY_STORAGE not defined"
    echo "please setup SREGISTRY_STORAGE to point to your local sregistry repository"
    echo "ex: export SREGISTRY_STORAGE=$LUSTRE/singularity_images"
    exit 1

if [ $TUI = "1" ]; then
    if [ -z $SCRIPT ]; then
	echo "Trying to run Ensiight in BATCH in TUI mode without a script"
	echo "you need to define either a ensight or python script"
singularity exec --nv \
  -H ${HOME}:/home/$USER \
  -B /scratch \
  -B /mnt \
  -B $KEYDIR:/opt/licenses \
  $SREGISTRY_STORAGE/singularity_images/ensight-10.2.3c.simg \
  vglrun ensight102