Full Insert 3D Model
In this test case we will simulate a full insert of 4 helices.
1. Running the case
mpirun -np 32 feelpp_hfm_coupledcartmodel_3DP3N1 --config-file H1H4_cart.cfg
To run this example on MSO4SC portal see this section.
As the CAD generation is time consuming, the mesh is provided but will eventually need to be partitionned. However if you ever want to rebuild the CAD and Mesh you will find detailled instructions bellow. Otherwise you can directly skip these sections.
2. Data files
The data files may be retreived from Data Catalogue. See the dataset A 4 Helices insert in Lncmi collection.
The gzipped archive tarball H1H4-cart.tar.gz
contains all the files needed.