HPC setting for local Lncmi ressources
Local Lncmi computationnal ressources have been configured to be used within MSO4SC Portal. To use these ressources you need an account on Lncmi SI.
One ressource is available:
stokes (
Key | stokes | euler | cesga |
hpc_basedir |
${HOME} |
${HOME} |
hpc_feelpp |
${HOME}/feel |
${HOME}/feel |
${LUSTRE}/feel |
hpc_modules |
- |
- |
[gcc/6.3.0, openmpi/2.0.2, singularity/2.4.2] |
hpc_volumes |
${HOME}/feel:/feel |
${HOME}/feel:/feel |
/scratch,/mnt,${LUSTRE}/feel:/feel |
hpc_partition |
"stokes" |
"euler" |
"thin-node, thin-shared,…" |
hpc_reservation |
N/A |
N/A |
optional |
sregistry_storage |
${HOME}/singularity_images |
${HOME}/singularity_images |