Projet de 4fastsim (method of PBDW)
2. PBDW’s method
2.1. Introduction of PBDW’s method
Abstract: The principal objective of this part is to study a numerical tool which is less expensive for simulate the thermal distribution of the building. The construction a model thermique which
Here we introduce a non-intrusive reduced order method of data assimilation for parameterized PDEs: the PBDW (Parameterized-Background Data-Weak). These method belong to the family of Reduced Basis methods.
3. Methodologie
3.1. Stationary problem of the generic form
where \(\mathcal{P}\) is the problem,\(\Omega \in \mathbb{R}^d\) is the physical domain of dim \(d = 2,3\) , \(\mathcal{D} \in \mathbb{R}^{Np}\) is the parameter domain.
We will consider the solution \(u \in \mathcal{X}\), a Hilbert space s.t \(H^1_0(\Omega) \in \mathcal{X} \in H^1(\Omega)\) .
We assume we have some knowledge of the system encoded in the parameterized PDE model \(\mathcal{P}^{bk}\) (i.e the best adapted model available for the problem \(\mathcal{P})\), resulting in the best knowlege state \(u^{bk}(\textbf{p}) \in \mathcal{X}\).
3.2. Sensor
We also assume we have a second source of information in the form of field observations.
We have \(M\) experimental observations, we assume our data \(y^{obs}_m, 1 \leq m \leq M\), we desire output quantity
where \(u^{true}(\textbf{p})\) represents the true physical state of the system and \(l_m\) are linear functionals representing the sensors
3.3. Goal
\(\Rightarrow\) The challenge is fomulate a scheme to interpret and employ data from mersurements in some optimal way to contribute to the knowledge of the state in the numerical model
\(\Rightarrow\) In order to combine the best knowledge of the system modeled by \(\mathcal{P}^{bk}\) and the experimental observations of the physical state, we will consider a PBDW solution of two parts: background and update.
\(\Rightarrow\) The goal is to fomulate the PBDW method in which we will approximate the true physical state \(u^{true}(\textbf{p})\) by
where \(\eta \in \mathcal{X}\) is an update correction term associated to the experimental observations.
3.4. Reduced basis background
The idea of reduced basis methods is to compute an inexpensive and accurate approximation, \(u^{bk}_N(\textbf{p})\) of \(\mathcal{P}^{bk}\) for any \(\textbf{p} \in \mathcal{D}^{bk}\) by seeking a linear combination of particular solutions
We perform a Gram-Schmidt orthnormalization, and introduce the Background space \(\mathcal{Z}_N = span\{\zeta_i\}^{N}_{i=1} \subset \mathcal{X}\)
3.5. Data-informed update
We will consider the experimental observations to contribute in the update piece.
Use the the representation
where \(x_m \in \mathbb{R}^d\) is the center of the \(m^{th}\) sensor of radius \(r\).
To evaluate the information these sensors can gather from a physical state \(v \in \mathcal{X}\), we define the function
We need to use (3) to construct the second approximation space \(\mathcal{U}_M \subset\mathcal{X}\) in which we find the update \(\eta\).
Let us define the Riesz operator \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathcal{X}}: \mathcal{X}' \rightarrow \mathcal{X}\) s.t
Introduce the update basis functions \(q_m = \mathcal{R}_{\mathcal{X}} l_m\) and for any physical state \(u^{true}\) of the configuration, we have
We define Update Space \(\mathcal{U}_{M_{max}} = span \{q_m \}^{M_{max}}_{m=1}\) where \(M_{max}\) is the maximum number of sensors available.
3.6. PBDW problem statement
The PBDW aims at approximating the true physical state utrue(p) for some configuration \(\textbf{p}\) by
where \(z_N\) is in \(\mathcal{Z}_N\), corresponds RB approximation pf best knowledge solution \(u^{bk}(\textbf{p})\)
and the term \(\eta_M\) is in \(\mathcal{U}_M\), is the correction term associated with \(M\) observations
We pose the PBDW approximation as the solution to the following minimization problem. Find \((u_{N,M} \in \mathcal{X}, z_N \in \mathcal{Z}_N,\eta_M \in \mathcal{U}_M)\) s.t
Find \((\eta_M()\textbf{p} \in \mathcal{U}_M, z_N(\textbf{p})\in \mathcal{Z}_N)\) s.t
Use the definition of update basis functions \(q_m \in \mathcal{X}\) we have
The corresponding algebraic formulation is to find \(\eta_M \in \mathbb{R}^M, z_N \in \mathbb{R}^N\) s.t
where \((y^{obs}_m = y^{obs}_m)\) , \(\textbf{A}_{m,m} = <q_m,q_m>_{\mathcal{X}}\) and \(\textbf{B}_{m,n} = <\zeta_n, \zeta_m>_{\mathcal{X}}\)
For a more stable numerical implementation, we can consider solving :
*Offline stage:
Choose \(N\), \(M\).
Choose \(\mathcal{P}^{bk}\) and \(\mathcal{D}^{bk}\) .
Construct \(\mathcal{Z}_N\) and \(\mathcal{U}_M\).
Construct \(\textbf{A}\), \(\textbf{B}\)
Solve (3.17) and (3.18)
Calcule output
3.8. Performance
In this case, the output quantity over the basis functions of the two approximation spaces can be precalculated, allowing for evaluation of the output of the PBDW approximation in \(\mathcal{O}(N + M)\) operations, without fully reconstructing the PBDW approximation from the basis functions \({\zeta_n}^N_{n=1}\) and \({q_m}^M_m=1\), a procedure in \(\mathcal{O}(\mathcal{N}_h)\) operations.
3.9. PBDW error and stability considerations
The question is how can we know if our model is well-posed ? The problem dependend obviously in the construction of the Background and Ipdate spaces. So we want to compute a value which can depend on the two approximation spaces. We introduce the inf-sup Stability constant .
Note that \(\beta_{N,M}\) is an non-increasing function of \(N\) and non-decreasing function of \(M\) with \(\beta_{N,M} = O\) for \(N>M\).
Present the best-fit of the approximation spaces
A priori error estimatation is derived for the formulation as a function of the stability constant and the best-fit of the approximation spaces
Note that this error estimate of PBDW method dependend strongly on the stability constant. So if we have obtion of choosing \(M\), we need to build the approxiamation spaces in order to maximize the stability of the formular and also minimize the best-fit error.
On the other hand, in pratique, we mostly don’t have a true physical state \(u^{true}\) to precise the priory error, so we work in the boundary of error such as the second term in the formular of PBDW error. Better approximation, smaller the boundary of error.
4. Numerical implementation of PBDW
We have to link 2 toolboxes of Heat transfert
and heatfluid
to solve the problem. For each toolboxes, we need to creat a .json
file to precise the materials properties
/* -*- mode: c++; coding: utf-8; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; show-trailing-whitespace: t -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4*/
#include <feel/feelmodels/heatfluid/heatfluid.hpp>
#include <feel/feelmodels/heat/heat.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <complex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
namespace Feel
static const int nDim = 2;
static const int OrderT = 1;
static const int OrderV = 2;
static const int OrderP = 1;
typedef FeelModels::Heat< Simplex<nDim,1>,
Lagrange<OrderT, Scalar,Continuous,PointSetFekete> > model_heat_type;
typedef FeelModels::FluidMechanics< Simplex<nDim,1>,
Lagrange<OrderV, Vectorial,Continuous,PointSetFekete>,
Lagrange<OrderP, Scalar,Continuous,PointSetFekete> > model_fluid_type;
typedef FeelModels::HeatFluid< model_heat_type,model_fluid_type> model_heatfluid_type;
template <typename HeatFluidType>
runApplicationHeatFluid( boost::shared_ptr<HeatFluidType> heatFluid, std::map<std::string,double> const& params )
for ( auto const& param : params ) //param in params
heatFluid->addParameterInModelProperties( param.first, param.second);
if ( heatFluid->isStationary() )
#if 1
auto heatModel = heatFluid->heatModel();
auto fluidModel = heatFluid->fluidModel();
if ( true )
auto myexpr = expr( soption(_prefix=heatModel->prefix(),_name="initial-solution.temperature"),
"",heatModel->worldComm(),heatModel->repository().expr() );
heatModel->timeStepBdfTemperature()->start( heatModel->fieldTemperature() );
fluidModel->timeStepBDF()->start( *fluidModel->fieldVelocityPressurePtr() );
heatModel->updateTime( heatFluid->heatModel()->timeStepBase()->time() );
fluidModel->updateTime( heatFluid->heatModel()->timeStepBase()->time() );
heatFluid->updateTime( heatFluid->heatModel()->timeStepBase()->time() );
for ( ; !heatFluid->timeStepBase()->isFinished(); heatFluid->updateTimeStep() )
if (heatFluid->worldComm().isMasterRank())
std::cout << "============================================================\n";
std::cout << "time simulation: " << heatFluid->time() << "s \n";
std::cout << "============================================================\n";
heatFluid->heatModel()->exportMeasures( 0 );
std::map<std::string,double> res;
for ( std::string const& s : std::vector<std::string>({ "temperature_pointA", "temperature_pointB" ,"temperature_pointC","temperature_pointD","temperature_pointE","temperature_pointF","temperature_pointG","temperature_pointH","temperature_pointI","temperature_pointK","temperature_pointL","temperature_pointM"}) )
res[s] = heatFluid->heatModel()->postProcessMeasuresIO().measure( s );
return res;
template <typename HeatType>
auto runApplicationHeat( boost::shared_ptr<HeatType> heat, std::map<std::string,double> const& params )
for ( auto const& param : params )
heat->addParameterInModelProperties( param.first, param.second );
auto const& e = heat->fieldTemperature();
return e; //neu muon them dk kiem tra if thi can khai bao e o ngoai, vay no la type gi?
template <typename HeatType>
double produitscalair(boost::shared_ptr<HeatType> heat, model_heat_type::element_temperature_type const& u, model_heat_type::element_temperature_type const& v)
double Lg = 2.;
double g = integrate(_range=elements( heat->mesh()), _expr= inner(gradv(u),gradv(v))).evaluate()(0,0);
double p = integrate(_range=elements( heat->mesh()), _expr= inner(idv(u),idv(v))).evaluate()(0,0);
double val = g + Lg*p;
//double val = inner_product( u,v);
return val;
template <typename HeatType>
double produit(boost::shared_ptr<HeatType> heat, model_heat_type::element_temperature_type const& u, model_heat_type::element_temperature_type const& v)
double val = inner_product( u,v);
return val;
template <typename HeatType>
auto proj(boost::shared_ptr<HeatType> heat,model_heat_type::element_temperature_type const& u, model_heat_type::element_temperature_type const& v)
double uv = produit(heat, u, v);
double uu = produit(heat,u,u);
double scalar = uv / uu;
std::cout << "scalar = "<< scalar << "\n";
auto proju = heat->spaceTemperature()->element( scalar*idv(u) );
return proju;
} // namespace Feel
int myrandom (int i) { return std::rand()%i;}
struct Coordinate
double x, y;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
using namespace Feel;
int N;
int M;
double r;
po::options_description pbdwdatafromaerooptions( "application pbdw datafromaero options" );
pbdwdatafromaerooptions.add( toolboxes_options("heat-fluid") );
pbdwdatafromaerooptions.add( toolboxes_options("heat") );
("case.dimension", Feel::po::value<int>()->default_value( 3 ), "dimension")
("case.discretization", Feel::po::value<std::string>()->default_value( "P1-P2P1" ), "discretization : P1-P2P1")
("M", Feel::po::value<int>(&M)->default_value( 1), "nbObservation")
("N", Feel::po::value<int>(&N)->default_value( 2), "nbParameters")
("r", Feel::po::value<double>(&r)->default_value( 0.15), "rayon")
Environment env( _argc=argc, _argv=argv,
_author="Feel++ Consortium",
boost::shared_ptr<model_heatfluid_type> heatFluid( new model_heatfluid_type("heat-fluid") );
boost::shared_ptr<model_heat_type> heat( new model_heat_type("heat",false) );
heat->setMesh( heatFluid->mesh() );
heat->setStationary( true );
//Creat Sample SN
std::vector<std::map<std::string,double>> SN;
std::map<std::string,double> params0;
params0["T_heater"] = 310;
params0["T_ext"] = 280;
params0["h"] = 1.0/(0.06+0.01/0.5 + 0.3/0.8 + 0.20/0.032 +0.016/0.313 +0.14);
SN.push_back(params0 );
std::map<std::string,double> params1;
params1["T_heater"] = 300;
params1["T_ext"] = 280;
params1["h"] = 1.0/(0.06+0.01/0.5 + 0.3/0.8 + 0.20/0.032 +0.016/0.313 +0.14);
std::map<std::string,double> params2;
params2["T_heater"] = 300; //330
params2["T_ext"] = 290; //310
params2["h"] = 0.1;
//std::vector<std::map<std::string,double>> SN;
//for(int i=0; i< N; i++)
// SN[i] = DN[i];
using element_temperature_type = typename model_heat_type::element_temperature_type;
std::vector< element_temperature_type > ZN;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
auto params = SN[i];
auto u = runApplicationHeat( heat, params );
//std::cout << "Zn " << ZN.back().size() << " vs " << u.size() << "\n";
//std::cout << "Zn " << ZN.back().sum() << " vs " << u.sum() << "\n";
//Build Background space ZN_orthn/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
std::vector< element_temperature_type > ZN_orth( ZN.size(),heat->spaceTemperature()->element() );
ZN_orth[0] = ZN[0];
for(int i = 1; i < N; i++)
auto s = heat->spaceTemperature()->element();
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
s += proj(heat, ZN_orth[j], ZN[i]);
ZN_orth[i] = ZN[i] - s;
for(int i = 0; i < ZN_orth.size(); i++)
double norm = std::sqrt(produitscalair(heat, ZN_orth[i], ZN_orth[i]));
ZN_orth[i].scale( 1./norm);
for (int i = 0; i < ZN_orth.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ZN_orth.size(); j++)
double scar = produitscalair(heat, ZN_orth[i], ZN_orth[j]);
if ( Environment::isMasterRank() )
std::cout << "i="<<i<<"; j="<<j<<"; scar=" << scar << "\n";
std::vector< element_temperature_type > ZN_orthn( ZN_orth.size(),heat->spaceTemperature()->element() );
ZN_orthn[0] = ZN_orth[0];
for(int i = 1; i < N; i++)
auto s = heat->spaceTemperature()->element();
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
s += proj(heat, ZN_orthn[j], ZN_orth[i]);
ZN_orthn[i] = ZN_orth[i] - s;
for(int i = 0; i < ZN_orthn.size(); i++)
double norm = std::sqrt(produitscalair(heat, ZN_orthn[i], ZN_orthn[i]));
ZN_orthn[i].scale( 1./norm);
//check ZnOrthn?
for (int i = 0; i < ZN_orthn.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ZN_orthn.size(); j++)
double scar = produitscalair(heat, ZN_orthn[i], ZN_orthn[j]);
if ( Environment::isMasterRank() )
std::cout << "i="<<i<<"; j="<<j<<"; scar=" << scar << "\n";
//Buil update space UM////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Creat List of points
std::vector<Coordinate> points;
pointA.x = 0.05;
pointA.y = 0.25;
pointB.x = 0.55;
pointB.y = 0.25;
pointC.x = 1.05;
pointC.y = 0.25;
pointD.x = 1.55;
pointD.y = 0.25;
pointE.x = 0.05;
pointE.y = 0.5;
pointF.x = 0.55;
pointF.y = 0.5;
pointG.x = 1.05;
pointG.y = 0.5;
pointH.x = 1.55;
pointH.y = 0.5;
pointI.x = 0.05;
pointI.y = 0.75;
pointK.x = 0.55;
pointK.y = 0.75;
pointL.x = 1.05;
pointL.y = 0.75;
pointM.x = 1.55;
pointM.y = 0.75;
std::vector<int> data;
for (int i=0; i<M; ++i)
std::random_shuffle ( data.begin(), data.end(), myrandom);
std::cout << "data contains:";
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it=data.begin(); it!=data.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
std::cout << '\n';
int p = rand() % N;
std::cout << " p = "<< p << "\n";
auto resHeatFluid = runApplicationHeatFluid( heatFluid, SN[p] );
auto u_true = heatFluid->heatModel()->fieldTemperature();
std::vector< double > y_obs;
auto phi = heat->spaceTemperature()->element( );
auto capteur = heat->spaceTemperature()->element( );
std::vector< element_temperature_type > UM( M,heat->spaceTemperature()->element() );
for(int i=0; i< M; i++)
int index = data[i];
auto sensor = points[index];
std::cout << "xm="<< sensor.x<< "; ym="<<sensor.y<< "\n";
auto phiExpr = exp( - (pow(Px()-sensor.x,2) + pow(Py()-sensor.y,2))/(2*r*r) )*chi( (pow(Px()-sensor.x,2) + pow(Py()-sensor.y,2))<r*r );
phi.on( _range=elements( heat->mesh()),_expr=phiExpr);
capteur += phi;
double c = integrate(_range=elements( heat->mesh()), _expr= phiExpr).evaluate()(0,0);
std::cout << " Is that c = 1 ? " << c << "\n";
double y = integrate(_range=elements( heat->mesh()), _expr= phiExpr * idv(u_true)).evaluate()(0,0);
auto qm = heat->spaceTemperature()->element("qm" );
auto v = heat->spaceTemperature()->element( );
auto l = form1( _test= heat->spaceTemperature());
l = integrate(_range=elements( heat->mesh()), _expr= phiExpr * id(v));
auto a = form2( _trial=heat->spaceTemperature(), _test=heat->spaceTemperature());
a = integrate(_range=elements( heat->mesh()), _expr= inner(gradt(qm),grad(v)));
a += integrate(_range=elements( heat->mesh()), _expr= inner(idt(qm),id(v)));
UM[i] = qm;
std::cout << " UM " << UM[i].size() << " vs " << qm.size() << "\n";
std::cout << " UM " << UM[i].sum() << " vs " << qm.sum() << "\n";
//Build matrice PBDW//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//int M = coords.size();
//int N = ZN_orthn.size();
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
MatrixXd A(M,M);
for(int i=0; i<M; i++)
for(int j=0; j<M; j++)
A(i,j) = produitscalair(heat,UM[j], UM[i]);
std::cout << "A = \n" << A << "\n";
MatrixXd B(M,N);
for(int i=0; i<M; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
B(i,j) = produitscalair(heat,ZN_orthn[j], UM[i]);
std::cout << "B = \n" << B << "\n";
MatrixXd K(M+N,M+N);
K.block(0,0,M,M) = A;
K.block(0,M,M,N) = B;
K.block(M,0,N,M) = B.transpose();
std::cout << "K = \n" << K << "\n";
//Solve PBDW//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
MatrixXd Y(M+N,1);
for(int i=0; i<M; i++)
std::cout << "Y = \n" << Y << "\n";
Eigen::EigenSolver<MatrixXd> esK(K);
std::cout << "The eigenvalues of K are:" << endl << esK.eigenvalues() << endl;
std::cout << "The matrix of eigenvectors, V, is:" << endl << esK.eigenvectors() << endl << endl;
std::vector< double > lambdaK;
for(int i=0; i< N+M; i++ )
std::cout << "lambda_K = \n" << lambdaK.back() << "\n";
double lambdaK_min = *std::min_element(lambdaK.begin(), lambdaK.end());
double lambdaK_max = *std::max_element(lambdaK.begin(), lambdaK.end());
double cond_K = std::abs(lambdaK_max)/std::abs(lambdaK_min);
std::cout << "Cond(K) = " << cond_K << "\n";
MatrixXd S(M+N,1);
S = K.inverse()*Y;
std::cout << "S = \n" << S << "\n";
MatrixXd eta(M,1);
//eta = S.block(0,0,M,0);
for (int i=0; i<M; i++)
MatrixXd z(N,1);
//z = S.block(M,0,N,0);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
std::cout << "z = \n" << z << "\n";
std::cout << "eta = \n" << eta << "\n";
auto u_MN = heat->spaceTemperature()->element();
for(int i=0; i<M; i++)
u_MN += heat->spaceTemperature()->element(eta(i,0)*idv(UM[i]));
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
u_MN += heat->spaceTemperature()->element(z(i,0)*idv(ZN_orthn[i]));
////Stability coefficient//////////////////////////////////////////
MatrixXd C(N,N);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
C(i,j) = produitscalair(heat,ZN_orthn[i], ZN_orthn[j]);
std::cout << "C = \n" << C << "\n";
MatrixXd K1(N,N);
K1 = (B.transpose() * A.inverse() * B ) * C.inverse();
std::cout << "K1 = \n" << K1 << "\n";
Eigen::EigenSolver<MatrixXd> es(K1);
std::cout << "The eigenvalues of K1 are:" << endl << es.eigenvalues() << endl;
std::cout << "The matrix of eigenvectors, V, is:" << endl << es.eigenvectors() << endl << endl;
std::vector< double > lambda;
for(int i=0; i< N; i++ )
//std::cout << "lambda = \n" << lambda.back() << "\n";
double lambda_min = *std::min_element(lambda.begin(), lambda.end());
double beta = std::sqrt(lambda_min);
//std::cout << "lambda_min = " << lambda_min << "\n";
std::cout << "beta = " << beta << "\n";
/////priori error/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
double l2 = normL2(_range=elements(heat->mesh()), _expr=idv(u_true)-idv(u_MN) );
double h1 = normH1(_range=elements(heat->mesh()), _expr=idv(u_true)-idv(u_MN), _grad_expr=gradv(u_true)-gradv(u_MN));
//std::cout << "h1 = " << h1 << "\n";
double c_l2 = normL2(_range=elements(heat->mesh()), _expr=idv(u_true) );
//std::cout << "c_l2 = " << c_l2 << "\n";
double e_l2 = (1./c_l2) * l2;
std::cout << "err_l2 = " << e_l2 << "\n";
double c_h1 = normH1(_range=elements(heat->mesh()), _expr=idv(u_true), _grad_expr=gradv(u_true) );
//std::cout << "c_h1 = " << c_h1 << "\n";
double e_h1 = (1./c_h1) * h1;
std::cout << "err_h1 = " << e_h1 << "\n";
///boundary error///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
std::vector< double > err_h1;
std::vector< double > err_l2;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<M; j++)
_expr=idv(u_true)-idv(ZN_orthn[i]) - idv(UM[j]), _grad_expr=gradv(u_true)-gradv(ZN_orthn[i]) - gradv(UM[j])));
err_l2.push_back(normL2(_range=elements(heat->mesh()), _expr=idv(u_true)-idv(ZN_orthn[i]) - idv(UM[j]) ));
double min_h1 = *std::min_element(err_h1.begin(), err_h1.end());
double min_l2 = *std::min_element(err_l2.begin(), err_l2.end());
double best_fit_l2 = (1./c_l2) * min_l2;
std::cout << "best_fit_l2 = " << best_fit_l2 << "\n";
double bound_l2 = (1 + 1./beta) * best_fit_l2;
std::cout << "bound_l2 = " << bound_l2 << "\n";
double best_fit_h1 = (1./c_h1) * min_h1;
std::cout << "best_fit_h1 = " << best_fit_h1 << "\n";
double bound_h1 = (1 + 1./beta) * best_fit_h1;
std::cout << "bound_h1 = " << bound_h1 << "\n";
///save solution///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
auto g = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(),_name="u_true" );
g -> add("u_true", u_true);
auto u_err = heat->spaceTemperature()->element();
for(int i = 0; i<u_true.size(); i++)
u_err[i] = std::log(std::abs(u_true[i] - u_MN[i]));
auto er = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(), _name="u_err");
er -> add("u_err", u_err);
auto d = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(),_name="u_h" );
for(int i = 0; i < ZN.size(); i++)
d->add( (boost::format("Z_%1%")%i).str(), ZN[i] );
auto q = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(),_name="qm" );
for(int i = 0; i < UM.size(); i++)
q->add( (boost::format("q_%1%")%i).str(), UM[i] );
auto n = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(),_name="Znorthn" );
for(int i = 0; i < ZN_orthn.size(); i++)
n->add( (boost::format("Znorthn_%1%")%i).str(), ZN_orthn[i] );
auto e = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(), _name="u_MN");
e -> add("solution PBDW", u_MN);
auto QM = heat->spaceTemperature()->element();
for(int i=0; i<UM.size(); i++)
QM += UM[i];
auto f = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(),_name="qm_total" );
f->add("qm_total", QM);
auto gg = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(),_name="sensor_location" );
gg->add("sensor", capteur);
auto u_velocity = heatFluid->fluidModel()->fieldVelocity();
auto h = exporter( _mesh=heat->mesh(),_name="u_velocity" );
h->add("u_velocity", u_velocity);
std::cout << "============================================================\n";
return 0;
// -*- mode: javascript -*-
"Name": "Thermo dynamics",
"equations": "Navier-Stokes"
"beta":"0.003660" //0.00006900
"exterior-walls": { "expr":"{0,0}" },
"heater1": { "expr":"{0,0}" }
"heater1": { "expr":"T_heater:T_heater" }
"expr1":"h:h",// h coeff
"expr2":"T_ext:T_ext"// temperature exterior
// -*- mode: javascript -*-
"Name": "Thermo dynamics",
"beta":"0.003660" //0.00006900
"heater1": { "expr":"T_heater:T_heater" }
"expr1":"1.0/(0.06+0.01/0.5 + 0.3/0.8 + 0.20/0.032 +0.016/0.313 +0.14)",// h coeff
"expr2":"T_ext:T_ext"// temperature exterior
See Case 1.
See Case 2.
See Case 3.